Ecosystems 2030 is not just an event exploring the future of tech and innovation, it's a unique opportunity to engage with global leaders, fostering influential connections and building enduring partnerships for a transformative future.
Meet our SpeakersEngage with 45+ inspiring female leaders from globally renowned institutions, sharing visionary perspectives on shaping industries, economies, and societies in a rapidly evolving tech era.
Browse our AgendaUnleash your inner innovator and earn your certificate in Design Thinking. This course, led by bestselling author Michael Lewrick, offers deep insights into designing thriving business ecosystems, benefiting both professionals and their organizations.
Check our CourseDon’t miss our electrifying line up of top-level executives from industry, academia, and government. You’ll leave informed, invigorated, and focused with a new personal global network of world-class change-makers.
All SpeakersThis was the first time in history that ecosystem managers convened to discuss the vision, strategy, and tactics of ecosystem management as a way to build the future we want.
Ecosystems 2030 is an immersive, mind-boggling, exhilarating experience.