Inés Rey, a lawyer by profession, was elected in 2019 the first female mayor of democracy in the city of A Coruña. She has been a member of the PSdG-PSOE since she came of age and has recently been elected a member of the PSOE Federal Committee. She is the General Secretary of the Agrupación Socialista Coruñesa. Inés Rey has been recognized by the OECD as one of the Champions of Mayors, a distinction that identifies the leaders of European cities committed to inclusive growth in their territories. Among the axes of the mandate of Inés Rey are:
These urban development guidelines are being reflected in the Urban Agenda of A Coruña (AUAC2030). A Coruña has led Spanish cities in the initial phases of development of their urban agenda, which will also serve as an instrument of materialization at the local and metropolitan level of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations.