Michael Lewrick

Michael Lewrick

Bestselling Author of "The Design Thinking Playbook" at Deloitte

Short Biography

Michael Lewrick advises companies on innovation strategies and complex business challenges. He is an international speaker and teaches design thinking, life design and business ecosystem design as a visiting professor at various universities.    

Recognized as a lead author and thought leader internationally with his award winning bestsellers:
- The Design Thinking Playbook
- The Design Thinking Toolbox
- The Design Thinking Life Playbook

Further, Michael formerly held a position of Head Innovation Labs at Deloitte Switzerland.    

His expertise centres in the development of go-to-market concepts, growth strategies & implementation, investment steering, business model innovations and building business ecosystems.    

His research interests focuses on Design Thinking, Business Ecosystem Design & Innovation Management in cooperation with Stanford and various European Universities.

The Future