Carmen Cotelo Queijo

Carmen Cotelo Queijo

Director of GAIN (Galician Innovation Agency)

Short Biography

Born in A Coruña (Galicia – Spain) in 1974, she has a degree in Physics and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

She began her professional career at the Galician Supercomputing Center (CESGA) in 1999, where she developed activities of a scientific, technical and management nature, especially in the field of regional, state and European R&D&I projects.

In 2018 she joined the Fundación Empresa Universidade Galega (FEUGA) to work in the area of Innovation and European Programs, since she was deputy director, collaborating closely with universities, technological centers, companies and public organizations in Galicia and throughout Europe to recruit of public financing and the development of strategies.

Since 2023 she has held the position of innovation director at the Fujitsu International Quantum Center, working on establishing collaborations at the Galician, Spanish and European level, with the aim of positioning Galicia as a benchmark in quantum computing and accelerating the adoption of these technologies through public-private collaboration.

In April 2024 she was appointed director of GAIN.

The Future