Santiago Roura

Santiago Roura

Undersecretary of Education, Vocational Training and Sports of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports

Short Biography

Since April 2022 and until this moment Santiago Roura had been holding the position of Technical Secretary General of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports.

He is a Professor of Constitutional Law (in special services) and has previously held the positions of Municipal General Coordinator of the City of A Coruña (2019-2022) and Director General of Justice and Secretary General of the Ministry of Presidency, Public Administrations and Justice of the Xunta de Galicia (2005-2009) In the academic field, he is the author of works in various fields of his discipline. He has taught courses and conferences and participated in training activities in Universities and Training Centers in different countries. He was coordinator of the Research Group D3_Democracy and Rights in the Digital Environment and, for 6 years, director of the Department of Public Law of the UDC. Within the framework of the University he was responsible, both for the branch of knowledge and coordination, for the processes of verification, modification, and renewal of accreditation of Undergraduate and Postgraduate University Degrees in the Directorate of Evaluation and Accreditation of the Andalusian Knowledge Agency. He is a member of the Association of Constitutionalists of Spain, the main entity that brings together academics of Constitutional Law in our country.

The Future