Tülay Kiyildi

Tülay Kiyildi

Senior Director, Legal Counsel, Europe at The Coca-Cola Company

Short Biography

Tülay Kiyildi is a seasoned legal professional with over 20 years of experience within The Coca-Cola system. Currently she excels as the Senior Director Legal Counsel Europe. With a law degree from Freie Universität Berlin, her journey within The Coca-Cola Company has seen her in pivotal roles, from Junior to Senior Legal Counsel, contributing significantly to the company's legal strategies across Germany, Denmark, and Finland.

Tülay’s expertise shines in Digital Marketing, E-Commerce and various E2B2C projects, notably leading the implementation of groundbreaking initiatives, which have redefined online consumer engagement. Her proactive stance on data privacy set the groundwork for Coca-Cola Europe's GDPR compliance strategy, showcasing her foresight and leadership.

Fluent in German, English, and Turkish, Tülay's diverse linguistic skills and deep legal acumen make her a vital asset to Coca-Cola's European operations. ‍

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